Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Bahlawane Discussion

The discussion is formulated, as the entire thesis, along with the two major investigations done during this study. These are the study of the regulatory mechanism of wg genes expression in the first part and of Rem expression in the second part. An emphasis is given to the role of MucR in both regulation paths. Finally, the conclusion will try to point out the consequences of an inter-connected regulation and be closed on the role of MucR for the symbiosis efficiency in S. meliloti. I. Regulation scheme of galactoglucan synthesis in low and high Pi Published, also already edited II.Regulation scheme of motility genes in S. meliloti. Motility and chemotaxis offers micro – organisms a distinct advantage when faced with starvation, toxic substances or a requirement to approach the appropriate host. However, the motility machinery places high energy demands on the cell. Bacteria develop a strict regulation network to control the expression of motility – related genes to av oid inappropriate energy expenditure. Bacteria also invoke alternative strategies for the regulation of motility when faced with starvation or reduced nutrient conditions. In some bacteria, e. g., Serratia liquefaciens and Escherichia coli, this strict regulation results an increase of ability to migrate when faced with reduced nutrient conditions (Sharma, Anand, 2002). Apparently the strategy is to engage the motility machinery only in response to stress / starvation conditions by moving towards a better environment. In other bacteria, e. g. S. meliloti, the strict regulation results migration toward chemo-attractants under nutrient sufficient or excess conditions and the development of the vegetative state and biofilm upon encountering stress/starvation conditions (Wei, Bauer, 1998).Thus, S. meliloti was found to be motile throughout active growth, when nutrients are readily available, and to become non-motile upon transition to the stationary phase (Rotter et al. , 2006). The clu e of this regulation remained unknown up to the present. Some advances have been performed by the discovery of Rem (Rotter et al. , 2006), a Class Ib regulator, which expression follows the cell motility. Recently, Hoang et al. (Hoang et al. , 2008) demonstrated that quorum sensing (QS) regulated motility in strain Rm8530 through the regulation of visNR expression by ExpR by using an unknown mechanism.1. Modulation of rem expression Since rem expression was found to be growth – dependent and that visN expression was constant all through the growth, new regulators of motility were expected (Rotter et al. , 2006). In the present study, we demonstrated that MucR affects motility by regulation of rem expression. Binding of MucR to the promoter region upstream of rem was shown and a sequence sharing similarities with the MucR binding site consensus (Bertram-Drogatz et al. , 1998) was identified in this region.However, further investigations suggested that sequences, downstream of this consensus, could be required for MucR binding to the rem upstream region. Since MucR inhibition was increased by a mutation in rem, we speculated that the ratio of Rem / MucR levels in the cell may contribute to the regulation of motility in S. meliloti. In RU11/001, Rem was found to be present in great amount in cells at low density (Rotter et al. , 2006) and slowly disappear during the exponential growth. We did not retrieve a much higher rem transcription level at low cell density in our wild type Rm2011.However, we cannot exclude that post – transcriptional regulation is responsible for the accumulation of Rem protein in Rm2011 at low cell density. If high levels of Rem are present in the cell, the effect of MucR on regulation of rem appears to be negligible. Consistent with this postulation, we observed that at low cell densities, the expression of rem promoter was inhibited in the presence of an intact mucR locus and a disrupted rem locus, but not in the presence o f a functional rem locus.In such scenario, the quantity of Rem within the cell in a culture of low cell density might be high enough to completely mask the effect of MucR, while at higher cell density, the higher quantity of MucR within the cell might be sufficient to inhibit transcription of rem. Another explanation for the difference of rem expression pattern between the strain RU11/001 and Rm2011 might be the expR status of these two independent wild types. Indeed, Rm2011 exhibits an insertion element within expR (Pellock et al. , 2002), leading to a non – functional gene and consequently a deficient quorum- sensing (QS) system.It was previously shown that the Sin / ExpR quorum sensing system (Marketon et al. , 2002;Marketon et al. , 2003) down-regulates motility and chemotaxis genes and that the visN-visR operon was a target for the LuxR-type regulator ExpR (HOANG 2004, HOANG 2008). We could confirm the inhibition of visN expression by AHL-activated ExpR and its relay to the rem expression. Moreover, McIntosh demonstrated binding of ExpR to the promoter region of visN in the presence of AHLs implying that ExpR directly regulates transcription of visN-visR (personal communication).While rem expression levels are regulated by several regulators, including ExpR, VisN and VisR, as demonstrated in this study and elsewhere (Hoang et al. , 2008;Rotter et al. , 2006) it is unknown what factors affect expression of the autoregulated mucR gene (Muller et al. , 1993). However, MucR appears to function as a repressor, both in the presence and absence of a functional Sin quorum sensing system (Bahlawane C. et al. , 2008;McIntosh et al. , 2008), suggesting that the regulation of mucR expression is not dependent on quorum sensing, although this remains to be confirmed.2. Requirement for swimming and swarming motility This study highlights another interesting aspect of motility in S. meliloti, namely, swarming, but not swimming, depends on the presence of a functio nal quorum sensing system and galactoglucan production. The requirement of exopolysaccharides for swarming was recently highlighted in a large scale analysis of Tn5 mutants exhibiting swarming defects in Rhizobium etli (Braeken et al. , 2008). The requirement of a functional quorum sensing for swarming was likewise found in Rhizobium etli (Braeken et al. , 2008;Daniels et al., 2006). However, this strain exhibits two different quorum sensing systems CinIR and RaiIR, with a much brighter QS signal molecules spectrum. We demonstrated that in S. meliloti, only those strains with an intact ExpR / Sin quorum sensing system and capable of galactoglucan and flagella production showed the ability to swarm. Even if MucR modulated the expression of the regulator of motility, the swimming ability of a mucR, expR – mutant (Rm101) was not affected. Therefore, swimming required flagella production, but not the ExpR/Sin system and galactoglucan biosynthesis.Swimming is an individual endeavo ur, whereas swarming is the coordinated movement of a population of bacteria in high viscosity media or over a surface and has been shown to be widespread among flagellated bacteria, particularly in association with quorum sensing (Harshey, 2003;Sharma, Anand, 2002). Hence, the involvement of quorum sensing in swarming, but not in swimming, may be an important feature in coordination of motility. 3. Interconnection between both regulation networks and comparison with other strainsCoupling of the regulation of bacterial exopolysaccharide production and the regulation of cell motility has also been found in Ralstonia solanacearum (5), Vibrio cholerae (1, 34), and Salmonella enterica (7), and presumably increases the ability of the cells to interact with their prospective host cells. We found that ExpR functions as inhibitor of the master regulator of motility VisNR, in addition to its role as an activator of the expression of the galactoglucan genes in the presence of Sin AHLs and pos itively affect expression of exoK and exsH leading to the depolymerisation of succinoglycan (McIntosh et al., 2008). Moreover, MucR is shown to inhibit the motility through rem expression, in addition to its role in the activation the HMW succinoglycan production and inhibition of the galactoglucan production. This fits well to the opposite regulation for succinoglycan biosynthesis and motility found previously for S. meliloti strains (Hoang et al. , 2008;Wells et al. , 2007;Yao et al. , 2004). A model is therefore proposed (Fig. 4. 2) where the inverse regulation of succinoglycan and flagella synthesis, as well as the role of MucR and ExpR are highlighted. Figure 4.1 Regulation schem of the motility in S. meliloti Dashed lines indicate an unknown regulation path and lines indicate a direct regulation through demonstrated DNA / protein interactions. The direct effect of ExoR /ExoS has to be further analyses, expecially the interaction with visN promoter has to be elucidated. Chapter 2 Conclusion Taking in account the scheme of galactoglucan synthesis regulation (Fig. 4. 1) and the scheme of motility regulation (Fig. 4. 2) proposed in this study, we may try to follow the effect of such regulation paths in the life – styles of the bacteria.The last one is named as free – living microorganism or as symbiont in the plant root. In the first case, the bacteria are exposed to dryness and nutrients starvation. At this stage, the biofilm production is a pre-requisite for survival. Therefore, the EPS’s biosynthesis has to be switched ON. As it is quite improbable that the cell density is high enough to activate the quorum sensing system, we can speculate that MucR plays a key role in activating the succinoglycan biosynthesis. Since the soil exhibits very low level of Pi, galactoglucan is, at this point produced through the activation via phoB and WggR.Upon biofilm formation, the cell density probably increases and could activate the quorum sensing s ystem, allowing the bacteria to produce more galactoglucan and swarm towards better conditions. In such conformation, the cells present within the centre of the swarming population are non motile and synthesized EPS; thus the cells present at the migration front are highly motile but do not synthesized EPS. It would be interesting to clarify whether a cell differentiation, as proposed by Soto (Soto et al. , 2002), takes place at this stage.Finally, if the host is present in the next neighbourhood the chemotactic compounds, as well as the nutrients found in the rood exudates, will attract the bacteria. When approaching the root, the moisture increases, along with the nutrients availability; so that swarming motility will be replaced by swimming motility that decline progressively. Indeed, the bacteria attached to the root, increasing the cell density that may lead to the inhibition of flagella production via ExpR / QS. Instead, EPS are produced, allowing recognition between the plant and the microbe as well as the invasion of the new synthesized infection thread.Once within the root, the bacteria will differentiate to bacteroid and start fixing nitrogen. We tried to highlight in this thesis the relevance of exopolysaccharides and motility for an efficient symbiosis. Great advances have been made the last years, leading to the identification of the quorum sensing interaction with motility. We participate in inclusion of MucR, as new regulator of motility and ExpR as requisite for swarming. However, the full understanding of the influence of motility in symbiosis establishment will require finding out which signals are inducing mucR and exoR/ exoS.Moreover, some tests have to be implemented to investigate the symbiosis establishment in more realistic conditions. Indeed, the bacteria are usually directly inoculated to the root, so that motility, via swarming or swimming is not required. Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Alfred Puh ler, Chair of the Genetics department, for allowing me use the very good infrastructure that promotes a very pleasant and conducive atmosphere during my research using performant techniques. I am especially grateful to Prof.Dr. Anke Becker, my supervisor, for giving me the chance to come back to research. Without her advices, ideas and resources, this work would not be possible and achieved. Thus, I thank her too for the freedom she gave me, as well as her support to test new ideas and her great help by conceiving and writing the manuscripts that become the pillars of this manuscript. Within the laboratory members, I would like to thank first Dr. Birgit Baumgarth who introduced me to the lab and to the investigated organism. Then, special thanks to Dr.Matthew McIntosh for the quorum sensing – related work and his help for preparing the derived publication. Furthermore, I would like to deeply thank Dr. Natasha Pobigaylo for her friendship, her helpful discussions and for givin g me courage when I am about to lose it. I thank Manuela Mayer, too, for the assistance in microarray hybridizations as well as Dr. Lisa Krol, Javier Serrania and Thomas Montfort for the everyday help in the lab. Finally, I would like to thank all Exopol group members for the support and advices.Least, I would like to thank my family for their unending and heartwarming support in many ways. Special thanks to Rachida Bendaou, my mother-in-law, for her support in caring my children during my research. I would like to thank my children, Ines, Soraya and Jasmine, for filling up my life with love and happiness. I would like to apologize for the bad mood and stress situations that are unfortunately connected with such a thesis. My heartfelt gratitude to my understanding and loving husband, Naoufal, for his moral and financial support, for believing in me and for sharing the passion for science with me.Resume In order to enter symbiosis with its legume partner, Sinorhizobium meliloti has t o face continual changing conditions. It has more ability to adapt quickly to the situation than the ability to face it efficiently that makes the difference in term of symbiosis efficiency. For the first interactions with its host, motility is required by S. meliloti to move towards the chemotactic compounds released by its host when exopolysaccharides (EPSs) are required later on, for the attachment to the root as well as for the invasion of the infection thread, leading to the formation of the root nodule.We focused in this study the regulatory networks leading to the coordination of motility and EPS’s production in the strain Rm2011. Depending on the phosphate concentration encountered in the environment Rm2011 synthesizes two different exopolysaccharides (EPS). Galactoglucan (EPS II) is produced under phosphate starvation but also in the presence of extra copies of the transcriptional regulator WggR (ExpG) or as a consequence of a mutation in mucR. The galactoglucan bios ynthesis gene cluster contains the operons wga (expA), wge (expE), wgd (expD), and wggR (expG).Two promoters, differentially controlled by WggR, PhoB, and MucR, were identified upstream of each of these operons. The proximal promoters of the wga, wge, and wgd transcription units were constitutively active when separated from the upstream regulatory sequences. Promoter activity studies and the positions of predicted PhoB and WggR binding sites suggested that the proximal promoters are cooperatively induced by PhoB and WggR. MucR was shown to strongly inhibit the distal promoters and bound to the DNA in the vicinity of the distal transcription start sites.An additional inhibitory effect on the distal promoter of the structural galactoglucan biosynthesis genes was identified as a new feature of WggR in a mucR mutant. Motility is organized in S. meliloti in a hierarchical cascade, with Class Ia genes, encoding the major regulator of motility VisNR; controlling the expression of the clas s Ib gene, rem, which encodes a central regulator, activating the expression of the downstream Class II and class III genes. We could demonstrate that MucR binds a DNA sequence upstream of rem, following a different mechanism as previously observed upon binding upstream of the wg genes.By this way, MucR inhibits rem expression as well as the expression of the Rem-regulated genes such as flaF and flgG. Furthermore, we addressed a balance of the swimming and swarming abilities of several S. meliloti strains derivatives of Rm2011. We could show that all strains, able to build flagella, were swimming on low viscosity agar plates. However, swarming over high viscosity agar plates required all a functional expR / sin locus, the ability to build flagellum and the production of exopolysaccharides. Finally, we propose a model for the coordination of motility and EPSs synthesis in S. meliloti.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bottled Water vs. Tap Water Essay

In today’s society drinking water from a plastic bottle has become the norm, but just a few decades ago this action was not the case. During the late 70’s a French company named Perrier introduced bottled water to America and convinced people of the fact that drinking water from a bottle would make people look cool, so they advertised a new fashion of consuming this precious liquid. Companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsico saw the opportunity to start a division of bottled water as an alternative to soda drinks, so this high revenue business started. Bottled water sales skyrocketed during the 80’s and 90’s thanks to heavy advertising on TV, radio, and billboards which made people to believe that bottled water exceeded the quality of tap water. Tom Lauria, vice president of communications for the International Water Association, stated, â€Å"Once reserved for Perrier-sipping elitists, bottled water has become a drink of the masses. Sales have quadrupled in the last 20 years, and rose almost 8% last year [2007-2008] alone† (Gashler, par.15). According to Tom Lauria, in 1990, 2.2 billion total gallons of bottled water were sold worldwide. In 2007, it was 8.8 billion. In just the last year, wholesale dollar sales for bottled water grew 7.8%, to $11.7 billion in 2007, according to the bottled water trade group. Bottled water became very popular for different reasons; convenient to carry around, no need to wash the containers, and available almost anywhere. But, people must stop to think for a minute about the consequences and the impact caused to earth’s environment because of the choice made by so many people to drink water from a fancy plastic bottle instead of tap water, in most cases safer and less expensive. Read more:  10 minutes presentation how many words. Improper recycling of plastic bottles has caused devastating damage to the earth’s environment and fragile ecosystem. Only about 20 percent of all plastic bottles get recycled, the other 80 percent end up in landfills, river streams, and finally washing off in the oceans. For those bottles that finish in the landfills the process of biodegrading may take hundreds of years. â€Å"Plastic is a material that earth cannot digest. Every bit of plastic ever produced still exists and will be here with us for hundreds of years. Once in the environment, plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller  particles that attract toxic chemicals, are ingested by wildlife on land and in the ocean, and contaminate our food chain† (Maqueda, par.1). Most people that drink bottled water ignore or do not care about the impact plastics cause to the ecosystem of earth. In fast pace cities around the world and especially in American, people have become a fast food mind-oriented type of consumer s, always looking for convenience. One can see why people tend to drink bottled water instead of tap water; convenience, portability, and taste. But nations all over the world can experience the cause and effect resulting from the irresponsibility of their citizens to take action in the recycling of plastic bottles. Some people may argue that recycling plastic bottles will not resolve the pollution problem around the planet, but it will reduce the damage to the environment considerably by drinking less bottled water and more tap water. People must stop and consider the effects caused to mother earth when drinking bottled water. Parents, teachers, and government urge others to learn to recycle; but the problem also lies on the companies that produce so much bottled water without strict government supervision on quality and environmental issues. The cost of drinking bottled water exceeds tremendously the price of tap water. Unfortunately most people do not know that tap water may surpass the quality of bottled water. A person that drinks tap water can save more than $800 in a year and will help to reduce the amount of more than 200 plastic bottles in a lifetime period. In addition, this action in return will contribute to save oil used to make most plastic water bottles. Marine life has changed drastically due to the ocean pollution called ocean garbage patches. Plastic bottles became the most common marine litter in many parts of the globe, which equals about 80 percent of all litter found in several seas and oceans. The oceans natural ecosystem will continue to degrade by the tremendous quantities of plastic debris dumped in them; which will endanger the health of sea animals and plants. People must a different approach when opting to drink bottled water; although bottled water has some advantages over tap water, the damage caused to earth will forever have an  impact on future generations. Other issue arising from drinking bottled water may reflect on people’s health. Plastic bottles are made with polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) known to cause cancer. â€Å"Since BPA has been linked to low sperm counts and an increased risk of breast and prostate cancer, scientists like vomSaal and Hunt suggest avoiding reusable bottles made fro m plastic. They also raise serious concerns about the potential for other plastic chemicals to leach out of typical PET water bottles especially if they sit in the hot sun† (Knopper, par.23). Many scientists concerned with the impact on people’s health when drinking bottled water have researched and found pollutants in bottled water due to the leaching from the chemicals used in the manufacturing of plastic bottles. Customers purchase bottled water completely unaware of the facts how plastic can affect their health, because people do not take the time to research how bottled water is produced. Finally, the mining of water supplies in rural areas in the United States have conservationists working with communities for support in stopping bottling companies from using their natural resources. Companies like Nestle, Coca-Cola, and Pepsico have purchased the rights to extract water in many states where water is abundant; in defiant opposition of the people against the over mining of peo ple’s water resources. Overall, drinking bottled water comes at a high price, affecting the environment, economy, and people’s health. The inhabitants of this world must become sociably responsible for protecting this fragile ecosystem and become more environmentally conscious. Works Cited Gashler, Krisy. â€Å"Thirst for Bottled Water Unleashes Flood of Environmental Concerns.† Gannett News Service. 06 Jun 2008: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 15 Nov 2011. Maqueda, Manuel. â€Å"The Bioplastic Labyrinth.† Earth Island Journal Autumn 2010: 18. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 17 Nov 2011. Azios, Tony. â€Å"The Battle over Bottled vs. Tap Water.† Christian Science Monitor Jan. 17 2008: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Nov 2011. Knopper, Melissa. â€Å"Bottled Water BACKLASH.† E Magazine May/Jun 2008: 36-36. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Nov 2011.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Employability and Entrepreneurship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Employability and Entrepreneurship - Assignment Example The foremost activity required by a student at such a moment is developing a career plan. Career planning from the individual’s perspective is important for a number of reasons. It provides and allows the individual to maintain self-determination and control over his or head intended work life and related experiences. It contributes to better occupation-job-organization-industry work-life decisions that may greatly enhance job mobility and progression through successive career stages. Additionally, career planning can ease the individual through various life stages and facilitate the development of meaningful non-work roles, including church leaders and civic and community volunteer efforts that complement job-career roles. Activation of the career plan entails job search, self-development, job performance, promotion and mentoring behaviors (Hunt & Michael, 1983). To initiate and perform the career planning process, a number of formats are available to an individual. These are (1) self-help, (2) consultant/counselor assistance (3) employer-sponsored help, and (4) courses offered by organizations and professional associations. Any one or more combination of two or more of these formats can yield a reasonably comprehensive career plan. The formats vary, however, in terms of depth and detail of analysis, formality, cost, and career plan specificity. A step-by - step approach would prove to be effective in landing upon the most appropriate decisions on opting for a specific career. ... available to an individual. These are (1) self-help, (2) consultant/counselor assistance (3) employer-sponsored help, and (4) courses offered by organizations and professional associations. Any one or more combination of two or more of these formats can yield a reasonably comprehensive career plan. The formats vary, however, in terms of depth and detail of analysis, formality, cost, and career plan specificity. A step-by - step approach would prove to be effective in landing up on the most appropriate decisions on opting for a specific career. Methodology The expansion of particular sectors of the economy, like demographic trends, is only part of what contributes to greater employment opportunities for graduates. Some jobs and careers require a specific degree subject, especially in the fields of science, technology and engineering. However around 60% of advertised graduate vacancies are open to all degree disciplines which means that one have a broad range of career options open to oneself. For instance, When making career choices, the number of possibilities opens to English graduates, like other non-vocational graduates, is immense. Most 'top' employers in the UK make most of their jobs open to graduates irrespective of the subject of their degrees. For English graduates then, their subject of study can therefore be regarded as less important than other factors such as intellect, attitudes, social fit and prestige of their university. Awareness of Employment Opportunities in Accountancy: During the last half-century, accounting has gained the same professional status as the medical and legal professions. Today, the accountants in many

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam - Assignment Example With time, this aggregate demand affects the allocation of resources and the productive capacity of an economy through its influence on the returns to factors of production, the development of human capital, the allocation of capital spending, and investment in technological innovations. Tax rates, through their effects on the net returns to labor, saving, and investment, also influences both the magnitude and the allocation of productive capacity. Macroeconomics has long featured two general views of the economy and the ability of fiscal policy to stabilize or even affect economic activity. The equilibrium view sees the economy quickly returning to full capacity whenever disturbances displace it from full employment. Accordingly, changes in fiscal policy, or even in monetary policy for that matter, have little potential for stabilizing the economy. Instead, inevitable delays in recognizing economic disturbances, in enacting a fiscal response, and in the economy’s reacting to the change in policy can aggravate, rather than diminish, business-cycle fluctuations. An alternative view sees critical market failures causing the economy to adjust with more difficulty to these disturbances (Ellis p 163). If, for example, consumers were to reduce their current spending in order to consume more in the future, producers, who would not know the consumers’ future plans for want of the appropriate futures markets for goods and services, would see only an indefinite drop in demand, and this might encourage them, in turn, to reduce their hiring and capital spending. In this world, changes in fiscal and monetary policy have greater potential for stabilizing aggregate demand and economic activity. How the economy reacts to fiscal policy depends on whether it is at full employment or operating below its full capacity. Wages and prices will start going up at great rates if monetary policy creates demand enough to enhance capital and labor markets beyond its long-run goals. A monetary policy that constantly attempts to its halve its short-term rates at an all time low will at the end achieve higher inflation will have no fixed increases in the growth of output or reduction in unemployment. In the long run, monetary policy cannot set employment and output. As there is a trade-off seen between lower unemployment and higher inflation in the short run, this trade-off will not be in the long run. This policy will also affect inflation directly through the people’s expected future inflation. If for example the fed eases the monetary policy and consumers and businesspeople figure it out, that will lead to higher inflation in the future and they will ask for an increment in their wages and prices. That will heighten inflation without great changes in output and employment. National saving provides the resources for a nation to invest domestically and abroad. Domestic investment in new factories and equipment can boost productivity of the nationâ €™s workforce. Increased worker productivity, in turn, leads to higher real wages and greater economic growth over the long term. U.S. investment abroad does not add to the domestic capital stock used by U.S. workers to produce goods and services. U.S. investment abroad does increase the nation’s wealth and will generate income adding to U.S. GNP. When national saving is lower than domestic investment, a nation can borrow from foreign savers to make up

American history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American history - Essay Example The revisions made on the book have been aimed at getting the complete attention of his students and according to him those who have tried reading it find it indispensable. This book provides fresh evidence in each chapter that it contains and also includes other recent research findings that have been made by scholars. It provides details on the wars that occurred between the natives and the colonials in the 18th and 19th centuries. The wars that took place between the Indians and French people have also been detailed by the author. The author has provided information concerning the activities of the Indians and their relations to the settlers who came into the country. Most of the book’s chapters speak on issues that are fundamentally the same though they have been reorganized to become more appealing to the student. This book also speaks about the treatment that different people got for their religious beliefs along with the practices of the protestant denominations existin g in America during the 19th century. In addition, the issue of slavery and a history of the southern part of the country have also been highlighted. The author describes the causes and events that led to the Mexican war, immigrants who came to the country due to the Irish famine and the issues of political machines in American towns. Unlike the previously released editions, this book talks about the racial issues that took place within the country in the 20th century and brought about the rise of civil movements during the 1950’s. Finally, the book provides a history of the country’s social along with culture and an insight into the religious practices of the 20th century. The book by Conlin does not however tell us how the early American history has affected the current lifestyle of the American people. The source confirms the picture of the history of early America by using the findings from the works of other research as information sources. Castillo, P. (2000). Th e American Beginnings to 1877. New York: Prentice Hall. Has the early American history affected the way the country currently relates with other countries around the globe? This book tries to ascertain the American history up to around the year 1877 and highlights other activities that have taken place since then. The author of this book is also a professor and targets students who are undertaking American history. His book provides greater insights into issues like the European exploration of the country and the activities of the colonial period. It also provides details concerning the American Revolution and the early formation of a republic, the country’s constitution and the growing of a youthful nation under the stewardship of Thomas Jefferson. The author has provided insight into the union’s problems and the issues that threatened its unity. This book describes issues concerning the problems that immigrants encountered upon entering the country along with the dif ferent rights that have been accorded to the people. The cultural clashes that occurred when various people were settling on the western prairies, on their great plains and the activities of the populist movements have also been described by the author. This book differs from the book by Conlin since it describes how the new industrial period came into being, the expansion of American industries, railroads and labor markets. The book has also provided insight into the immigrants who were coming into the country, the challenges that the country

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ansel Adams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ansel Adams - Essay Example He got his distinct mark in his nose when he was thrown to the ground during the aftershock of earthquake and fire in 1906, when he was just four years old (Turnage, n.d.). According to Turnage (n.d.), he was born in a very conservative social and emotional environment being an only child of elderly parents. It was in 1907 when the family’s fortune collapsed that Adams’s father spent the whole time to regain their lost fortune (Turnage, n.d.). He loved music and started to play the piano which inspired and crafted his visual artistry. He gained an appreciation of nature living his childhood at the Golden Gate which is his primary foundation photography (, History: Ansel Adams). He was once an unpromising and rebellious student which resulted to his removal from school (Szarwkowski, 2010). According to Szarkowski (2010), he was a gifted pianist thus made him become determined and ambitious musician. In was in 1916 when he got his first camera that he de monstrated his talent in photography (Szarkowski, 2010). It was in the year 1927 when he took his first High Trip of the Siera Club and finished his first fully dreamed of photograph, Monolith, the Face of Dome (Turnage, n.d.). This year became very important because he met San Francisco’s patron of arts and artists and insurance tycoon, Albert Bended, whose companionship, encouragement and polite financial support changed Adams’s life (Turnage, n.d.). It was Bended who took charge of the preparation and publication of Adams’s first portfolio, the Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras (Turnage, n.d.). Bender was the main influence who transformed a journeyman pianist to a creative photographer (Turnage, n.d.). Adams’s joined annual Sierra Club outing and became their official photographer. His role in the club grew quickly which in turn the club developed into a very important factor to his success in photography (, History: Ansel Adams). His membership in the club developed his political involvement thus suggesting proposals for improving parks and wilderness (, History: Ansel Adams). The club soon became an influential national organization that fought for the creation of national parks and protection of environment (, History: Ansel Adams). He became prominent in photographic community in 1935 when he was working and contributing technical articles to a popular photography press (Szarkowski, 2010). In 1936, his worked was renowned by Alfred Steiglitz and he further used his position in the field to boost approval of photography as fine art since then (Szarkowski, 2010). President Jimmy Carter awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Adams in 1980 as recognition of his work as environmentalist and photographer (Szarkowski, 2010). Although he worked basically in the photographic print, he also got involved and became a motivator of the photomechanical reproduction (Szarkowski , 2010). He persistently explored the technical possibilities of photography in the 1940s (Szarkowski, 2010). According to Szarkowski (2010), Adams also got really busy of the â€Å"zone system† which â€Å"rationalized the relationship among exposure, development, and resulting densities in the photograph

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Forest People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Forest People - Essay Example This society viewed their world as a place with no evil as they got everything the forest without necessary clearing any forested area to cultivate and plant food. Everything was in the forest that they required. Anybody who didn’t understand the forest views it as hostile and dangerous, contrary to this BaMbuti had a different perception of the forest. Those who lived outside the village perceived the forest as fearful and evil. BaMbuti never viewed the forest as evil either did they possess any fear of living in the forest. The forest was their home, â€Å"for them it is a good world† (pg15). Forest was their cosmos and in return it supplied them with all their needs. They mastered the art of living in the forest that no outsider could comprehend how they did it while the outsiders viewed the forest as an impossible place to live in. Men and women had different roles to play in the society, and this phenomenon can be described as a division of labor. A normal day in the â€Å"pygmy village was alive with women bundling up their household possessions in the baskets they would carry on their backs. The men were busy checking their hunting nets, examining their arrow shafts and testing their bows, or sharpening the blades of their spear†. (pg53). Hunting was affair of men and for this reason they were obliged to train the young boys to hunt. Moneys and birds were hunted by men using bows and arrows. The women could travel collecting mushrooms and roots for the evening meals, this illustration indicates that the women were solely responsible for evening meals. The women were also obliged to cook for their husbands, â€Å"†¦ watching his third and youngest wife, Kamaika, cooking his breakfast.† (pg54). Thatching of huts was a role that was conferred to women â€Å"Ageronga’s wife prepares a bundle of mongongo leaves for thatching her hut.† It was also the obligation of women

Thursday, July 25, 2019

UNIT 4 seminar Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

UNIT 4 seminar - Research Paper Example Process evaluation comprises of assessment activities integrated into the implementation of the program. The purpose of the process evaluation is to determine the potential success or failure of a certain program. It assesses the implementation of a given program (Royse, Thyer, & Padgett, 2010). It may require a detailed description of the program, constant monitoring as well as quality assurance check. On the other hand, outcome evaluation is carried out after the conclusion of the implementation program in a bid to determine whether the program really works. Moreover, outcome evaluation assesses the efficiency of the program on the target population. After a successful search for formative evaluation in the Kaplan Library, 8,648 appeared. This number was shocking because the scholarly articles yielded were too many. With such a high number of results, only a limited number of them are relevant. After the search of process evaluation in the same library, 1,182,652 results appeared (Smith, 2006). When outcome evaluation was searched on the Kaplan Library, the search yielded only 16 results. This number was also shocking because it showed that limited researches on this aspect has been done. When formulating objectives, experts have highlighted that they should be measurable and specific. Measurable objectives are subject to successful assessment or evaluation yielding results that determine whether they are effective (Kellaghan, Madaus, & Stufflebeam, 2000). On the other hand, specificity is critical in formulating objectives as it minimizes chances of confusing ideas. Evidently, the three types of evaluation are critical in the adoption of any program as they reflect the potential of any program in addressing the needs of the target

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Internet is good for human life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Internet is good for human life - Essay Example Only because of internet, we are able to interconnect communication entities and information systems all over the world. Internet has made it possible to pass on a vast range of information and services such as electronic mails. A network connects computers and other devices through communication channels. Network allows communication between users and it facilitates sharing of resources among users. With the help of computer networks information and resources can shared among users who are interconnected. Internet is a very convenient tool for the computer users. Through internet, one can interact with whomsoever him want provided that other person have internet connection. It is very easy to use and an encyclopedia of information. To be connected it is very easy, a broadband connection or USB modem is enough for user. With the help of internet one can get all the things in a remote place also. Rural and urban divide has diminished because of internet. Acohill has aptly pointed out the dynamics of internet. He says â€Å"in rural communities, the Internet has broken the chains of rural isolation and dramatically improved the quality of life in areas like shopping† (1999). Internet has brought the world at a click away from one’s computer. One can transfer money online, reserve a flight ticket online and could easily get information about developments taking place all over the world. Social networking services like Facebook, Twitter has really altered modes of human interactions. Above main factor, which has contributed in spread of Internet, is its affordability. To get internet connection is very cheap. Benefits are hundred times more than the cost and because of it, use of Internet has spread like wildfire. Latest data of internet users shows around 28.7% people use internet all over the world. Between 2000 to 2010 internet users all over the world have been increased by 444.8%. Growing use of Internet

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dynamics between Human Activity and Nature during the Twentieth Essay

Dynamics between Human Activity and Nature during the Twentieth Century - Essay Example Amazon through Bezos had a goal on customer utility maximization with an aim of providing every product within the alphabet. Amazon kick started business in July 1995 trading its first book through, the book sold was Fluids concepts and creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanism of Thought by Douglas Hofstadter. Amazon underwent further expansion in Delaware in the year 1996. On 15th May 1997, Amazon offered its initial public offering of shares, doing business under NASDAQ stock exchange with their symbol being AMZN. The shares were traded at a price of US$ 18 per share. The firm had a unique initial business plan whereby they did not expect to acquire any gains for first four to five years. The firm has different websites for various countries around the world (Bryers, 2009). On the other hand, Border Books was initiated in 1971 under the watch of brothers Tom and Louis Borders in Ann Arbor, Michigan while they were undertaking their undergraduate a nd graduate programs at the University of Michigan. Later in 1976, a complimentary company known as Book Inventory System was formed to act as a wholesaler for Borders Books. It was also aimed at providing custom inventory system to regional independent bookstores which included: John Rollins, Thackeray’s, Schuler Books and Joseph-Beth Booksellers. In a bid to achieve expansion in the company, Robert F. Diromualdo formerly president of Hickory Farms was brought on board. The initial Borders bookshop was situated in two rooms above 209 State Street, north of the state theater. Their initial inventory mainly comprised of a combination of used books. Later on the brothers relocated to Maynard House apartment building which is in the southwest corner of William and Maynard Streets. They later on purchased out the inventory an 80 year old bookstore known as Wahr’s which was closing down at 316 South State. Wahr’s majorly traded in text books and school supplies which was different from the brothers’ specialization. The brothers thereafter relocated the retail bookshop to former Wagner & son men’s clothing store which saw the business expand to large scale. Tom Frick was assigned to handle the old shop which had by then been renamed Charing Cross Bookshop (Thompson, 2009). In 1992, Kmart attained the ownership of Borders which by then had owned an 8 year old book chain known as Waldenbooks since 1984. Kmart merged the two companies naming it Borders-Walden Group. The merger was aimed at having the experienced senior management from Borders help salvage Waldenbooks which was flopping. However this did not work as most of the Borders senior management opted to walk out of the company. By the end of the annum Kmart renamed the company as Borders Group. Singapore became the first state where the company established an international store; this took place in the year 1997. The company went ahead to further establish other 41 internation al stores in United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Borders (UK) Ltd. was started in 1998 as branch of Borders Group. It grew to become one of the major booksellers in UK but was later sold out to a private investor in 2007 due to stiff competition in market. The Singapore store was declared the best performing among

Monday, July 22, 2019

Web-enabled Database Essay Example for Free

Web-enabled Database Essay To keep certain information in a corporation, many different set ups are planned and followed so that the data may remain intact and secure as these data information of various departments are pretty essential to keep the flow of work steady and at a proper pace. So, once this information is stored the next step is to make sure that it is safe and can be retrieved whenever required without creating any problems. So, to deal with such circumstances where data retrieval can be required at anytime a production business or a firm must comprise of an appropriate database management system. Database management systems are necessary because today every thing is computer based and all the data and information is stored, circulated and modified through its use, therefore database management system are quite necessary in running an organization without hindrances. Database management systems are either software based which require a certain certified software program which can be installed in the PC to make it work in the company while the other kind is the internet or the web-based or web-enabled database management system. It is a suitable process that is applied many conglomerate corporations and big businesses producing efficient and rapid results. The background of internet-based instruction is altering due to the union of the internet and database servers. This paper looks at and describes some of the characteristics, purpose, and interoperable features of Web-enabled databases as they are improving the internet-based instruction by providing advantages to many users (Scamell Umanath, 2007). Database and Web-Enabled Database: A database contains properly planned collection of data for various functions and is mostly in digital figure. A method of making categories in database is through their matter like bibliography, records and calculation purpose. Digital databases work is carried through the use of Database Management Systems which is software that is installed in the PC to help in storing data, allowing data forming, and maintenance. Database programs are software applications anticipated for customers to make databases and produce all the programming required to fill them or get rid of them as wished. The display of a database is like a table of a spreadsheet, which consists of rows and columns of records. The columns categorize the characteristics in the table, and the rows are the documentations of the respective data. These tables one way or another look precisely like a spread sheet though the database tables can be influenced and updated in a manner that usually spreadsheets can not perform, and because of this characteristic it crafts a database into a exceedingly significant device (Scamell Umanath, 2007). While, since the internet has become a major part of our lives so it is being used in almost every work due to speed, reliability and easy access with out any problems so database management systems also got modernized in shape of web-enabled database. Web-enabled or web-based database smooth the progress of virtual society to converse, find sources for database queries, convey immediate reaction, and modify instructional progressions however it can also be described as a system that makes the availability of central administration of resources, online records compilation, online arithmetical examination, and mutual investigation. The web enabled database varies from a local database as it is installed in a personal computer or its connected storage, for instance a CD. Therefore it benefits the corporation in managing their data in a proper and efficient way so that no mishap can occur once the data is required urgently. Layers of Database planning: Any database system, be it web-enabled or non-web enabled, requires proper arrangements for operation and these arrangement which are an integral part of the system are usually known as layers. There are three layers of database management system or planning known as external, conceptual and internal. The primary feature of the Relational Database Model passed in 1969 by Edgar Frank Codd as First-Order Predicted Logic invented these three layers for the data base management system and this feature stills controls the 21st century databases systems which are enhanced due to the feature of internet in them. The reasons for designing these layers are appropriate working of the database system and in a proper sequence because sequencing in data storage is essentially required plus it does not create any mix ups that might lead to data lost in future. The external layer explains the process and procedure that how the customers or users should understand the relationship of the data. Any particular data file or document might contain a certain amount of readings, records or observation at external layer. When it comes to the design of the internal level or layer the purpose of internal layer is to provide a clear picture of the actual storage of data and its development by the computer system. Basically the planning of internal layer concerned with expenses, arrangement, scalability and other certain essential objects of data packets installed or used by the clients (Scamell Umanath, 2007). While the layer that amalgamates or connects the previous layers i. e. internal and external is the conceptual layer. It supplies a general examination of the database by providing a clear view of the company’s data is storage or supervision, and it can merge the various external views into a reliable data. In these all three layers active directory makes available of a hierarchical data reorganization space. Every data object is exclusively recognized in the database by its entity identification quality, called the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN). The relative distinguished name when joined with other major components frames the objects Distinguished Name (DN). The database stores the RDN of every data object plus an indication to the main source object so that database layer can tag on these parent indications and concatenates the following RDN to construct DN. A chief purpose of the database layer is to interpret each DN into a numeric arrangement called the DN tag, which is used for all internal accesses. Reasons for introduction of web enabled database: When the internet became an essentially used component in the computers it was believed that more people would head towards internet based software due to easy access and reliability. So the database software were also introduced for web-based working so that people can use them instead of the installed software, it was due to the fact that if internet is constantly being used in the company everyday so using the web-enabled database would be cheap and reliable as no space in hard disk would be used but the one that is virtually allocated to the user (Scamell Umanath, 2007). Also, for small or local companies it is difficult to install and to afford the price of the database management software as they are quite expensive due to certified and authorized. An example of it can be given through this illustration that a corporation might already bring into play a constant link for email and web-browsing, and be in a site to take advantage of it further for a web-enabled database because if it opts for the selection of database software than almost a figure of ? 10,000 per annum, as per financial plan, would be required for to install and program it which would also be used to check emails and internet usage if desired however the precise figure will depend a lot on the quantity of transfer and usage of the database the company wishes the site to produce. So, this is quite an expensive amount for small scale industries and businesses which do not produce a lot of revenue, therefore keeping in mind the situations these companies might face the web-based or web-enabled database were initiated. Also apart from small industries these databases are also used in schools for keeping the proper record of the student body admitted in school since it got established therefore schools cannot afford such expensive software which are basically constructed for the large scale businesses and corporations. Thus in these circumstances people take the options of selecting the web-based database due to easy access and result, these database are also sometimes referred to the search engines which are used all over the internet and provide easy and fast results so same is with the output of the web-enabled database (Scamell Umanath, 2007). Differences between web-enabled database and non web-enable database: When it comes to the distinguishing of both categories of databases the basic and the primary difference is the internet usage. In web-enabled databases the internet is the base on which the whole database is established while the ones which are non web-enabled are software based however they do provide the access to the internet for various reasons. But there is a great deal of difference between software which is installed in the hard disk for usage and the one which is available on the World Wide Web for benefiting results and availability. So, when it comes to the point of availability, the non-web based databases have higher availability as they are installed in the computer and can be run any time however in case web-enabled database the availability same as non web-enabled database if the connection of internet is available through out and no problems occur during the connectivity because for the web-based database internet connection is essential and a fast one, to be clear. So availability of both the databases are some how the same depending upon the situation the user is in as some might go against web-enabled databases due to poor network connectivity. As far as backup is concerned, web-enabled databases are recommended due to the reason that any system failure or hard disk crash can lead to a loss in non web-enabled databases unless there is a storage device apart from the hard disk space, while web-enabled database have a virtual space or backup due to which the data is safe so priority goes to the web enabled database over the non web-enabled database in case of backups. However the recent development in the database software is this that now back up plan is also available in the software CDs so this might overcome this weakness (Scamell Umanath, 2007). Performance and compatibility of recent software based database has improved a lot due to development in research of making the software applications reliable and efficient however the more fast they are the more space they require in the hard disk, so it eventually affects the computer’s speed of work unless the system is sort of a super computer. In this case the web-based database are recommended, noted that the network speed should be fast enough to run the program, as the space is allocated virtually and no need of over sized data is required in the PC. Internet connection can have a major affect on the performance of web-enabled database as any uploading might slow down or even get cancelled due to poor speed so once a user is following the web-based databases then he or she should make certain if the network speed is supportive. The selection of development team is more reliable in software based database installed in the computer because any changes in the software can be made however this feature is not very common in the internet based database as the only purpose is to provide the database technology via internet usage and the user cannot make any changes in the software which is on the internet while any changes can be made in the one which is installed in the PC so for the selection of team for its development the better is the installed software as the development team can make the changes which the require and this cannot be done in web-enabled database. Security on internet is a confusing term because most of the people go against the fact that internet is secure in safe guarding the data while the database providers go against it as they believe that firewall has a lot of effects but due to the presence of hackers in all places the internet based databases are not recommended for big corporations as it is better safe than sorry for them, therefore if compared then installed software is more reliable in security as the user can have all the authorities in placing the privacy and security(Scamell Umanath, 2007) . Therefore web-enabled database are somehow better but not always a person can rely on them as security reasons are very essential for data storage. Conclusion: The amalgamation of the database servers develop Web-based instruction by offering advantages to the small scale industries and other users who cannot afford expensive database software applications for storing and sequencing the data as per the requirement and necessity. References: Scamell, R. W. Umanath, N. S. , (2007), Data Modeling and Database Design, 1st edn, Course Technology, USA

Ecological Anthropology Essay Example for Free

Ecological Anthropology Essay In 1992, the largest-ever meeting of world leaders took place at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Convention on Biological Diversity was one of two major treaties opened for signature at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992. It was the first global agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The biodiversity treaty gained rapid and widespread acceptance. The Convention has three main goals: the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of the components of biodiversity, and sharing the benefits arising from the commercial and other utilization of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way. The Convention is comprehensive in its goals, and deals with an issue so vital to humanity’s future, that it stands as a landmark in international law. It links traditional conservation efforts to the economic goal of using biological resources sustainably. It sets principles for the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources, notably those destined for commercial use. But eleven years passed since the Convention entered into force. That is why some of its provisions are in the greatest need of revision, namely provision 1 in Article 17. It is connected with exchange of information: â€Å"the Contracting Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information, from all publicly available sources, relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account the special needs of developing countries.† Today we live in informational society. Information is one of the most valuable things that we can get. By means of information we can avoid great danger. It is very important to be well – informed, especially in ecological sphere. That is why the word â€Å"facilitate† is too weak to stress all the value of the provision concerning the exchange of information. It should be replaced by such words as â€Å"ensure† or   â€Å"provide†. In that event this provision will get modern strict sense and the importance of informational exchange will be stressed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Modified Biogeography Based Optimization

Modified Biogeography Based Optimization Modified Biogeography Based Optimization and enhanced simulated annealing on Travelling Tournament problem. Abstract: This paper shows the implementation of Modified BBO and Extended BBO on Travelling Tournament Problem. We modified the migration step of BBO by using probabilistic measures into it. Conventional BBO is used to solve deterministic problems but when we are dealing with real world problems which are non deterministic Conventional BBO failed to achieve the desired/expected results. Modified BBO is able to handle non deterministic problems which occurs in TTP and considered it as noise. The physical significance of noise in our modified solution is any existing parameter which can affect the fitness of the habitat. We also implemented various models of Extended BBO (Linear and Non linear models) on TTP to achieve desirable results. In this paper we compare the performance of our modified BBO to conventional BBO on TTP problem and compare results with previous methodologies. Introduction BBO is Global optimization method which represents organism distribution in our biological system in terms of mathematical model .BBO is an evolutionary algorithm whose working principle is based upon migration mechanisms of species from one habitat to other depending upon the fitness of the habitat which are favorable to them .The habitat which have high HSI (high suitability index ) have high value of species count .Therefore habitat which have high value of HSI have high emigrating rate; it is ready to send its SIV to other habitat, while the habitat having low value of HSI have low value of species count and their immigrating rate is high ;that is it as ready to accept species towards itself .HSI of a habitat can be affected on the basis of SIV (suitability index variables) which are independent variables. The above diagram illustrates the basic mechanism and relation between immigration curve and emigration curve. Here I is maximum Immigration rate, E is maximum emigration rate, is equilibrium number of species, is emigration rate and is Immigration rate. Modified BBO for TTP: Firstly the question arises why there is need of Modification of BBO .We are dealing with biological issues which are dynamic in nature so we have to modified our solution which can take care all dynamic constraints of nature. Let we have two habitats and .These habitats have their fitness’s as and .Let noise involved in two habitats are and .Due to affect of noise the measured fitness is instead of .If we consider has more fitness than ,and let n1 has huge value than n2 and both high value than and .Therefore the overall fitness becomes: 1.1 1.2 Therefore HB1 accepts the SIV from HB2 as condition of BBO gets satisfied as immigrating habitat fitness is less than emigrating habitat. But population of HB1 is already high due to its high HSI because its fitness is more if don’t consider noise .this immigration should not be done .The BBO migration procedure will corrupted .That’s why we need to modify it. In order to calculate the uncertainties, we use the concept of noisy BBO[]. U= 1.4 E= +1.5 U = 1.6 Where U is the uncertainty of the state estimate, m is the estimated fitness, z is the measured fitness, is the variance of the process noise, and is the variance of the observation noise. The uncertainty and the estimated fitness are the values from the previous iteration step before the most recent fitness measurement is updated. The process noise is assumed to be zero, therefore the uncertainty U is only related and . U = 1.7 U = 1.8 Because 0, now +1 > 1. Therefore +1 .With each step in the Kalman algorithm, the uncertainty U will be reduced according to and . Small value of uncertainty leads to high accuracy of estimated fitness. If limit tends to infinity, than Kalman filter gives an estimate value of the fitness which is equal to the real value. Proposed Modified BBO algorithm: Select habitat with the Probability . If is selected For j=1 to n Select with the probability. If is selected Use rand (0, 1) to select SIV from the habitat and pass it through Modification phases. Choose the best feasible solution based on optimal selection from the output of three Modification Phases. Replace selected SIV with End of if End End of if The above Algorithm solves all the issues that is related with Deterministic Problems. We Map this approach to different variants of BBO that can be classified as its Models. Equations used : The above equation is generalization of Baye’s rule. Probability of a habitat with fitness after accepting a selected SIV greater than fitness given that. is simply equal to where P(switch) is given by : When x > y we obtain: if x The PDF of p is as follows The PDF of q is as follows. In the Modification step we talked about three ways by which we can increase the performance of BBO. These three ways can be described as: No-reevaluation phase: In this phase we have two Habitats as immigrating habitat and act as emigrating habitat. We consider two instances of as and Firstly is going to accept optimal SIV from and then accept another best suitable SIV from and after that their performance get measured on the probabilistic measures as: = Immigrating Habitat Re-evaluation: () Emigrating habitat Re-evaluation: () From the above phases we choose the best option for the immigration step. Secondly we Map this Modification approach to all the variants of Extended BBO and implement it on TTP problem. We Modified the Immigration step and apply this Modification to all the linear and non linear Models of BBO to check whether we are able to achieve the optimal results or not. We Test our algorithm to obtain various results which provide optimal solution for TTP problem. We also apply efficient simulated annealing in order to refine our solution obtained so far. We use this technique after we produced the Schedule, so that we can optimize our solution. Efficient Simulated Annealing is applied to schedule after these five moves: 1. Swap Homes(S, 2. Swap rounds(S, 3. Swap Teams(S, 4. Partial Swap Rounds(S, 5. Partial Swap Teams(S, After these Simulated algorithm is applied on the schedule which is obtained after implementation of above moves in order to obtain best feasible schedule. The cost objective function is used in order to calculate the best feasible schedules Results of implementation of our Modified algorithm for TTP Performance comparison of best feasible cost produced by linear and non linear-models

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Letters in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Jane Austen Prid

Letters in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is one of the great love stories of our time. Its continued popularity shows that its essential story can still be adapted to modern day life. Set in the 1800s, it tells the love story of two people who gradually learn to understand each other and themselves. In the time that the novel is set, modern means of communication, for example telephones and computers were not yet invented. The most effective way of corresponding, especially over long distances, were letters. In this period, when people met in formal circumstances, for instance at a ball, where they were in company and never alone, they could not express their inner thoughts. Letters provided a confidential way to do this. This is also true to the novel; where Jane Austen carefully composes the letters. There is more care and attention paid to their structure and content; as letters are they are a permanent record of thoughts that can be revisited and re-read, were carefully crafted to provide the exact meaning of each letter. The letters used in Pride and Prejudice shows us a glimpse of a character’s personality and their viewpoint. They are a key feature of conveying a new character and developing the plot. It is not an accident that over forty letters or letter extracts are used in Pride and Prejudice. They are an effective means of illuminating characters where dwelling on individual reflections is not a style used much by the author. Also we gain an insight into the recipient of the letter through their response. One of the first letters used in Pride and Prejudice to introduce a new character is Mr Collins’ letter. This letter gives us our first opportunity to assess ... ...tures Lydia Bennet’s character. In this essay I have shown three examples of letters. In each of these letters we have seen how they have introduced, changed perceptions and shown us in depth a character. Letters are an integral part of the novel; they are threaded through the story to add variety, drama and develop character detail. Without letters it would be hard to move plot on and pick up the pace of the novel. They are used as a means of providing drama to the novel. They often reveal dramatic detail and provide an impression of news being discovered immediately. Letters offer a useful structural device to add variety to how the plot is revealed. This in turn shows the variety and imagination of Austen’s style. They also are entertaining additions to the novel on their own, often giving engaging or moving insights into character and situation.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Life of Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Edgar Allen Poe Writers Authors E

The Life of Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe was a bizarre and often scary writer. People throughout history have often wondered why his writings were so fantastically different and unusual. They were not the result of a diseased mind, as some think. Rather they came from a tense and miserable life. Edgar Allan Poe was not a happy man. He was a victim of fate from the moment he was born to his death only forty years later. He died alone and unappreciated. It is quite obvious that his life affected his writings in a great way. In order to understand why, the historical background of Poe must be known. Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. His parents were touring actors and both died before he was three years old. After this, he was taken into the home of John Allan, a prosperous merchant who lived in Richmond, Virginia.1 When he was six, he studied in England for five years. Not much else is known about his childhood, except that it was uneventful. In 1826, when Poe was seventeen years old he entered the University of Virginia. It was also at this time that he was engaged to marry his childhood sweetheart, Sarah Elmira Royster. He was a good student, but only stayed for a year. He did not have enough money to make ends meet, so he ran up extremely large gambling debts to trying make more money. Then he could not afford to go to school anymore. John Allan refused to pay off Poe's debts, and broke off his engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster. Since Poe had no other means of support, he enlisted in the army. By this time however, he had written and printed his first book, Tammerlane, and Minor Poems (1829).2 After a few months though, John Allan and Poe were reconciled. Allan arranged for Poe to be released from the army and enrolled him at West Point. During this time, his fellow cadets helped him publish another book of poetry. However, John Allan again did not provide Poe with enough money, and Poe decided to leave this time before racking up any more debts Still, Poe had no money and necessity forced him to live with his aunt, Mrs. Clemm, in Baltimore, Maryland. None of his poetry had sold particularly well, so he decided to write stories. He could find no publisher for his stories, and so resorted to entering writing contests to make money and receive exposure. He was rarely suc... ...f the House of Usher† what kills Roderick Usher is the sheer terror of his sister who appeared to have come back from the dead. According to Marie Bonaparte, one of Freud's friends and disciples, all the disorders Poe suffered from can be explained by the Oedipus Complex and the trauma he suffered when his mother died. The Oedipus Complex is best described as a child's unconscious desire for the exclusive love of the parent of the opposite sex. The desire includes jealousy toward the parent of the same sex and the unconscious wish for that parent's death. In fact, upon examining the women in Poe's stories, we find that they bear striking resemblance to the mother that Poe never had. So one gets a glimpse at how Poe's life, filled with insurmountable obstacles and full of disappointments, indeed played a role in his writing. A good comparison would be Vincent Van Gogh. He also endured hardship and died at an early age. Poe was only forty when he passed away. Insignificant in his lifetime, it was only after his death that he was appreciated. He is now acclaimed as one of the greatest writers in American history. It is indeed a pity that he will never know or care.

James Joyces Araby - The Ironic Narrator of Araby Essay -- Joyce Dubl

The Ironic Narrator of "Araby" Although James Joyce's story "Araby" is told from the first per-son viewpoint of its young protagonist, we do not receive the impression that a boy tells the story. Instead, the narrator seems to be a man matured well beyond the experience of the story. The mature man reminisces about his youthful hopes, desires, and frustrations. More than if a boy's mind had reconstructed the events of the story for us, this particular way of telling the story enables us to perceive clearly the torment youth experiences when ideals, concerning both sacred and earthly love, are destroyed by a suddenly unclouded view of the actual world. Because the man, rather than the boy, recounts the experience, an ironic view can be presented of the institutions and persons surrounding the boy. This ironic view would be impossible for the immature, emotionally involved mind of the boy himself. Only an adult looking back at the high hopes of "foolish blood" and its resultant destruction could account for the iron ic viewpoint. Throughout the story, however, the narrator consistently maintains a full sensitivity to his youthful anguish. From first to last we sense the reality to him of his earlier idealistic dream of beauty. The opening paragraph, setting the scene, prepares us for the view we receive of the conflict between the loveliness of the ideal and the drabness of the actual. Descri... ...rious wares, is tended by uncaring people who leave him even more alone than he had been before; the young lady who should have waited on him ignores him to joke with two young men. The young lady’s inane remarks to the young men have a ring in the memory of the mature narrator reminiscent of his adored one's remarks. Both are concerned with the material, the crass. The narrator can, with his backward look, supply us with two apprehensions: one, the fully remembered, and thus fully felt, anguish of a too sudden realization of the disparity between a youthful dream of the mystic beauty of the world and his actual world; and two, the irony implicit in a view that can see the dream itself as a "vanity."

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Talent Shows – Dream Or Nightmare?

Talent shows are fun to watch, but are they actually fun to be a part of? I think it is very entertaining to watch talent shows, never the less the auditions, but I would never participate in one myself. I think it crosses a lot of my limits to get up in front of everyone in Denmark. If we take starting-point in singing talent shows, many of the young people that join the show, can't even sing. The problem here has probably something to do with, that the parents to the child think that everything their little angel does is fantastic.And therefore the young person with absolutely no talent at all, is totally laughed at in front of the whole country. The dream of being the next big star is cool, but when you become a star through a talent show, you will always be remembered as â€Å"Julie from x-factor† or something like that. If I ever wanted to become a famous singer, I would rather get there on my own then get there through a show.If we, as an example, look at Miley Cyrus, wh o plays Hannah Montana on Disney channel, she wants to be a big actress and singer, but when we think of her or we want to explain who she is, it is and will probably always be â€Å"the girl who plays Hannah†. I once read about this in a magazine, that Miley is tired of being Hannah and wants to be Miley, the girl who can sing and act. She has tried a lot of things to get rid of this reputation, such as being in movies that are for teenagers and not kids.She has also made several CDs, with music she writes herself. And if we look at someone from the Danish x-factor, we all know Sarah, the girl who won x-factor 2 years ago. Last year i played a handball game against her, and every time someone recognized her they would yell, â€Å"Hey, it's Sarah from x-factor† So this is something you have to live with, if you participate in a talent show. So with these things in the back of my head, I will elaborate on why I would never participate in this kind of shows.The first rea son is that I don't like to display myself in front of the whole country, not because I can't sing, I just don't feel the need to show everybody my singing talents. When I sing I usually am alone or together with people i am close to, Everybody doesn't need to hear me sing. Another reason is that I think these kind of shows often make people who once were nice and kind, to total snobs, because of the publicity. They don't have time for their old friends, and they start to only wear branded goods.This isn't good because a lot of the people in a talent program are just a flash in the pan, and when the show is over their friends at home have moved on. The last reason is the thing about being the girl from the talent show. If I ever, at some point in my life, want to be a celebrity, I want to become it and achieve the publicity on my own. I don't want to be part of a show and always be known as a â€Å"show-person†, and not known for my own music or just for being me! Therefore I would say that talent shows are a NIGHTMARE.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Determination of Chlorine and Iodine in Water Essay

I. IntroductionThe purpose of this lab was to determine the amount of centiliter and atomic number 53 in a sample of body of piss by titration using a amylum indicator and to regularise a atomic number 11 thiosulfate stem. centiliter is added to municipal peeing supplies to consecrate it enough to become strong to drink. unity is also added to pee when people large number or go hiking in the blanket country where they rumpnot bring purified water along. centiliter and unity are added to efface microorganisms in water. Oxidation reactions occurred in this experiment. The centilitre was oxidize because it lost electrons in the reaction. The atomic number 53 was trim down because it gained electrons. The upshots lifted a scandalmongering contort because of the atomic number 53 which disappears once either of the iodine has reacted in the titration. atomic number 11 thiosulfate was the titrant in the attend of titration. It was added to react with the i odine in the dissolving agent. stiffen was added to give the effect a downhearted air near the terminal of the titration. cat valium iodate (KIO) was utilise to measuringize the sodium thiosulfate settlement. concrete applications would include testing unknown samples of water and municipal water supplies for the assimilation of atomic number 17 present because also much can cause health problems and not degustation well. Not enough added, wouldnt kill the microorganisms in the water to make it safe to drink.II. ProcedureFirst the standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate was completed. A 50mL burettete was obtained and rinsed twice with the sodium thiosulfate solving. It was then filled with the consequence. The tip of the buret was checked to make sure in that respect werent any bubbles in it. thence a 250mL beaker was obtained. A 25mL pipette was employ to add exactly 25mL of the KIO result. therefore 50mL of deionized water and about .25g of satisfying KI was ad ded. The solution was stirred until the solid was completely dissolved. 2mL of nippy acetic pane was then added. then(prenominal), the beaker was placed under the buret and was swirled as the sodium thiosulfate was added. The buret was slowed as the air became lighter. When the polish was almost gone, 1mL of the starch solution was added to turn the solution deplorable. and so it was slowly titrated until the chroma disappeared. The concluding volume of the solution in the buret was enter and the amount of titrant was calculated. This titration was restate twain to a greater extent times to standardize the slow-wittedness of the thiosulfate. Then the submersion of Chlorine in beg water was found. It was tell the almost exactly the same direction as before.The buret was filled with the sodium thiosulfate solution and the initial value was recorded. Then a 50mL watch cylinder was rinsed with knap water two to three times. The gradational cylinder was then filled w ith refrigerant tap water. It was then poured into a loose beaker and .25g of KI and 2mL glacial acetic mordant were added and stirred until the solid was dissolved. Then the solution was titrated. 1mL of starch was added then the yellow people of color almost disappeared. It was then titrated slowly until the blue color disappeared. The final volume was recorded and the volume of titrant used was determined. This was repeated two to a greater extent times.Then the concentration of iodine was determined in the iodine purified water. The buret was refilled and the initial volume was recorded. Then the 50mL graduated cylinder was rinsed with the iodine solution. 50mL of the iodine solution was then obtained and poured into a clean beaker. Then .25g of KI and 2mL of acetic acid were added and the solution was stirred until it was dissolved. Then it was titrated until the yellow color almost disappeared. 1mL of starch was then added and the solution was titrated slowly until the blu e color disappeared. The final volume was recorded and the volume of titrant used was then determined. This was repeated two more(prenominal) times. Then everything was cleaned and put away.III. Data and Results control board 1 calibration of Sodium Thiosulfate result initial burette account book (mL) last Buret passel (mL) Volume apply (mL) beginning(a) Standardization 50 25.64 24.36second Standardization 50 25.99 24.01third Standardization 50 26.21 23.79 dodge 2 Titration of Tap peeing Initial Buret Volume (mL) Final Buret Volume (mL) Volume Used (mL) 1st Titration 50 48.29 1.17second Titration 50 48.25 1.753rd Titration 50 48.20 1.80Table 3 Titration of Iodine root Initial Buret Volume (mL) Final Buret Volume (mL) Volume Used (mL) 1st Titration 50 45.61 4.392nd Titration 50 45.59 4.413rd Titration 50 45.60 4.40Table 4 honest Concentrations Molarity ( breakwateres/ cubic decimeter)Sodium Thiosulfate Solution 1.0610Chlorine in Tap Water 1.8610Iodine in Solution 4.6610Samp le Calculation- Concentration of Chlorine(1.0610)*(0.00175L)=1.8610 breakwateres thiosulfate(1.8610mol thiosulfate)*(1 mol Cl/2 mol thiosulfate)=9.2810 mol Cl (9.2810mol Cl)/.05L=1.8610 moles Cl/LiterIn the first standardization of the sodium thiosulfate solution, 24.36mL of the titrant was used. 24.01mL and 23.79mL were used for the second and third standardizations. With the concentration of the sodium thiosulfate solution divided the average volume of those gave the average thiosulfate concentration which was 1.0610 moles per liter. For the titration of tap water, an average of 1.75mL of the sodium thiosulfate solution was used. after the calculations, the concentration of atomic number 17 in tap water was 1.8610 moles of atomic number 17 per liter.The average of the titrations of the iodine solution was 4.40mL of titrant used. After the calculations, 4.6610 moles of iodine were present per liter. many useful observations were conducted. The iodine in the solution made it turn a yellow color when the glacial acetic acid was added. It started to disappear as the iodine was reacting with the titrant. When the starch solution was added, the solution turned blue. As the resultant neared, the blue color started to dissipate. When the endpoint was reached, the solution was clear with no color left in the solution. Sources of error could include adding too much titrant from the buret into the solution.IV. final resultThe purpose of this lab was to identify the concentration of chlorine and iodine in unlike samples of water. The results fulfilled the purpose of this lab because the concentrations of chlorine and iodine were found. The concentration of chlorine in the tap water was 1.8610 moles of chlorine per liter. The molarity of iodine in the iodine water solution was 4.66 x10 moles per liter. The concentration of iodine was significantly higher than the amount of chlorine in tap water. There was more iodine in the water because of the solid KI being added to the solution. Tap water contains sm both amounts of chlorine because thats all that is needed to kill the microorganisms living in the water that are harmful to people. The results that were obtained were unanticipated because there wasnt a standard value to go off of. The portion error wasnt able to be obtained.Possible sources of error would include adding too much of the titrant to the solution. This would affect the results by having more than enough titrant used. This would affect the concentration value and make them higher than they really were. chemical substance concepts used were titrations. When the Iodide ions, from the potassium iodide, react with the chlorine in the tap water, chloride ions and I were formed. Then the I was titrated with the sodium thiosulfate solution which created the iodide ions. in the beginning the endpoint of the titration, the starch was added.Once all of the iodine reacted with the thiosulfate, the blue color disappeared because the endpoi nt was reached and the iodide ions were formed. Also the standardization of the sodium thiosulfate solution was performed. When the potassium iodate reacted with the solid KI and the acetic acid, it created I and water. The I was titrated and formed with the thiosulfate and created iodide ions also. The concentration of the thiosulfate was 1.0610 moles per liter. That result was expected because it should have been around .001 M and it was .00106 M.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction is the starting point of your dissertation. The reason why the introduction for a dissertation is the clinical most difficult part of the paper is that its main goal is to make a reader interested in the whole subject you have been researching. What is more, you need to prove why your research matters wired and what you have managed to achieve in regards to the subject under consideration.Common dissertation introduction writing problemsAs soon as you get down to writing, you will most definitely come across a couple of problematic issues.Define the matter A crafty few ideas which may help you craft an effective and intriguing introduction is to keep it short and arrange.In addition, some students come up with introductions that look like they what are formula-written. Therefore, such pieces of writing lack both enthusiasm and a sense of commitment.Main parts of the introductionscope;current scientific situation;motivation;theoretical and practical relevance of t he research;brief brief description of the research design;objective of the study;problem statement;dissertation outline.You need to begin with stating the motive for your research.The introduction should also indicate that the only way your bit of study will cause the comprehension of the subject.

In order to demonstrate the theoretical little relevance of your research, use various arguments and cite scientific articles. Then, you need to explain the practical particular relevance of your research study. Showing its practical benefit is usually easier than dwelling upon its theoretical relevance, as you can provide lots of examples to illustrate your point. Do not forget to mention the practical successful outcome of your research for the whole field or industry.An introduction is merely among the elements of a dissertation.It is also vital to dwell upon the current scientific situation regarding your research topic. What you are required to do is present a few scientific articles that deal with similar issues or ones that how are related to your subject of study. Briefly explain the gist and the main message of those articles. The reason what why this aspect is so important is that it demonstrates that there is a lot of theoretical information on the issue, which only means you will not get stuck while working on it.Simply pick the subject which best matches apply your field of research to find a introduction illustration in that topic.

Try to summarize the gist of each chapter in one sentence. In case it is not quite possible, you can expand the summary of the chapters to one paragraph. Keep in mind that the brief outline should not be repetitively phrased. Most people work on their dissertation introductions after the whole paper is written.Our doctoral dissertation debut writing will assist you in lots of ways.Make sure you write to the point. Do not repeat yourself. Present useful information to the reader. Here is a checklist of points check your dissertation introduction should consist of:the research topic is limited;the practical relevance is explained;the topic is stimulating;current scientific situation in the field is demonstrated;the objective is stated;the serious problem statement is formulated;the research design is presented;the dissertation outline is added.It is possible to begin looking into their site unpublished dissertation writing services and to verify their merchandise.

This way, you will be able to organize your thoughts and submit a piece of writing in which all vital different points are showcased. Offer the reader some background regarding the subject you are dealing with. Clarify what the focus of check your study is. Do not forget that you will also need to explain why check your research study is significant as well and what its value for the field or heavy industry is.Question and the dissertation subject ought to be focused that youre in a position to collect the critical information within a comparatively short time-frame, typically around six weeks for undergraduate programmes.You need to show check your target audience a clear picture of what they are about to receive once they familiarize themselves with the subject of your scientific research study in detail. In other words, the expectations of the readers should be met as soon as they start reading your introduction.Taking into consideration the fact that your target readers are many members of a dissertation committee, what you need to do is to get to the point legal right away. They are looking for a preview of your dissertation, and are willing to learn more about the objective and relevance of your study in general.The only means to attain a constant second argument throughout a bit of composing is by creating some type of map or plan of.

Do not forget to define the public key terms of your dissertation. If it is a rather broad notion, make sure you explain what it means in the context of your own research study. It will give readers a better understanding of check your goals and the methods you used in order to achieve the desired result (Cassuto).The introduction to the unpublished dissertation is one of the most significant parts of such a piece of writing, because this is the first impression the reader gets when they start reading your document.The decisions that are tactical ought to be contingent on the new further insight supplied by your research findings.Taking everything into account, writing an introduction for a dissertation is a whole complex and time-consuming assignment. It is essential to come up with an introduction that is interesting strong enough to readers that they want to find out more. Follow the steps highlighted in this article and you will be able to write an impressive dissertation g eneral introduction that will consist of all the relevant aspects the members of a dissertation committee pay so much much attention to. Make sure each part of your dissertation introduction is formulated in an informative and coherent manner.Its not good enough to collate the study results accomplished by men and women.

Aim to leave a all clear comprehension of debate or the primary discovery to the reader your research have progressed.From learning doing the research into writing a in depth account of it, moving isnt always straightforward.The simplest way to theoretical construct a dissertation is inside-out.If possible, start looking for fellow-student or a buddy with whom you may rate swap at the place dissertations to get proof-reading.

Monday, July 15, 2019

John Berger Ways of Seeing Essay

In backside Bergers guileicle, delegacys of see, it informs European 18th atomic number 6 invention and how it rel take ins to some(prenominal) of todays heathen transitions. forward Berger begins explaining the guilework itself, he tells us well-nigh the ethnic constructions that cost today. These ethnical constructions argon apply and were highlighted d bingle European 18th degree centigrade ruse. He began by explaining the inconsistency amidst a gay and a adult femalehoods posture. work forces heraldic bearing depends how more than tycoon he is sufficient to successfully portray. This exponent stack be social, economical, sexual, and so forth A wo globehoods presence expresses her slip toward herself and in repeal how she pass on provide opposite to make out her. This explains wherefore wowork force atomic number 18 so minute of them and go over their actions no bet what the situation may be. Berger begins to explain how the art tie s into this when he says, manpower act, wo workforce appear.He save explains how men encounter at women, bit women consider themselves beingness looked at. Thus, a woman is sour into an object. He steady provides an interest manikin of how women supposititiously became slavish to men. In the intensity of coevals eve gave ecstasy an orchard apple tree they werent supposed to eat. subsequently they ate the apple they became awake and self-conscious of the bankrupticular they were naked, so they make dress for themselves. evening was penalize for take the apple and gift one to go by being make subservient to the man. This relates to art because, in Bergers words, women in paintings are on that point to eat up an appetite, non to nonplus whatsoever of their own.He in any case explains the nude person women in paintings approach to the mens sexuality. In European rock oil paintings the lynx is neer painted, that is eer mistaken to be male. The wo men in these paintings were tempered and/or envisioned as objects, and this emplacement stable costs today. It is an inadequate birth that in Bergers words, close up structures the sentience of some(prenominal) women. The insecurities women see in a galactic part comes from the mood they abide been viewed as object, unendingly needing to be perfect. This is turn up by dint of the European ordinal hundred art as the way the women are visualised in the paintings. These views calm exist in the media today. Commercials signal alluring women gazing into a tv camera with an equally irresistible man everlasting(a) at them.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Chapter 5 Case Study 1 Essay

1. What do you venture round feasible drawbacks from recruiting from affectionate net situation index be? whatever mathematical drawbacks from recruiting from societal net profit order whitethorn be that it opens up the gap for hackers to identify blind and give e-mail and computer virus attacks.It as headspring as offer increases the run a risk of plenty travel feast to online scams that come along genuine, resulting in data or individualism theft. 2. What opposite sources of appli heapts magnate march rightful(prenominal) as puff up or discover than loving net ploughing sites? different sources of appli standisterts that gouge work incisively as well or mend than societal networking sites if universeness do intern altogethery is transfers, promotions, and re- exercise of ex-employees. If the play is being held externally thence it can be advertisement, can go by means of employment agencies, educational institutions, recommendations, an d legion(predicate) to a greater extent.3. Do you prize br some otherly networking sites could be utilise to take up natural endowment alongside? wherefore or wherefore non? hearty networking sites could be apply to subscribe to endowment on board because it expands the companion globally and helps them to herald effectively. Hiring abroad, you atomic number 18 facilitating their passion to be self-sufficient, dowery them compass their dreams, and add to the stability of immigrant neighborhoods and the more or less heavy smear they argon measure up and reproductive workers.Chapter 5 deterrent example field of operation 11. What are any(prenominal) of the accomplishable reasons Scott did not try on or suck up advice from her quick executive program? Scott did not try out or hold advice from her adjacent supervisor because she mat as if she was beneath qualified and that there were other employees with more skills and experience approximate ly the handicraft at hands. 2. afterwards reviewing the chapter, signal all come-at-able shipway that Scott can sterilize herself for career advancement.